Long Covid

The Long Covid (TLC) Support Programme - 4 weeks to help manage your Long Covid Symptoms

Long Covid has such a far reaching effect on so many areas of your life - from poor sleep, lack of energy, fatigue, pain and so many more symptoms, life post Covid is often a shadow of your former life. Hypnotherapy can help and provide symptom relief and management.

The Long Covid (TLC) Support Programme (TLC) is a 4 -8 week programme targeted at some of the most common Long Covid symptoms

It helps in:

Increasing energy

Decreasing fatigue



Improving sleep

It can also be tailored to work on your top 3 symptoms

And it also helps you accept where you currently are and listen to your body to help you to heal and improve your health over time.

This programme offers you one to one help and support – I am an experienced health professional as well as a clinical hypnotherapist.

I offer a free 20 minute phone or Zoom call for you to find out more, with no obligation.

Individual sessions, via Zoom or face to face

Four session, each 60-75 minutes long

Audio recordings of each session are provided to use later

Feedback from clients:

  • I feel positive for the first time since I had Covid
  • I feel more relaxed and accepting of the healing process
  • I have slept better and feel more refreshed

Clients experienced an average of 20% decrease in anxiety, depression and fatigue and a 20% increase in overall quality of life score (based on 5 clients)