Studying at any level, from school exams to postgraduate study and professional qualifications too, can come with lots of trials and tribulations – from fear of failing, exam nerves, worry about writing etc.
Don’t sink into despair because hypnotherapy can help you.
Ups and downs are a normal part of studying at an level and hypnotherapy can help you overcome these blocks quickly, allowing you to move forward quickly and confidently with your work.
Don’t let your mind get in your way of achieving your dreams – imposter syndrome, self doubt and procrastination can stop your learning and progress in its tracks. These feelings are your mind playing tricks and hypnotherapy can remove these issues and enable you to study confidently and let the work flow!
As an experienced teacher, educator and researcher with 14 years of academic experience, I have worked with hundreds of students. Now I help students to undertake their studies and exams with ease, whatever your level, using hypnotherapy techniques along with other hints and tips I’ve developed over time!:
GCSEs and A-Levels – I can help you with help with the process of revision, motivation to study, focus and overcoming exam nerves and lots more too.
Degree level – I can help you with motivation to study, especially with less supervision than at school, homesickness, exam nerves, procrastination, focus and clarity and much more.
Postgraduate level – as well as helping you with procrastination, fear of writing, nerves about sharing your work I can also provide help to allow you to defend your research in a viva with confidence. Get in touch!
Professional and other exams/study – whether you are taking professional exams in the work place, or studying something for self development or enjoyment or taking your driving test, I can help you to perform to your best. Let me help!